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The long-term use of steroids has raised a concern among a group of scientists who looked into the effects of steroids in bone health in patients who have been using them for a prolonged duration.

Corticosteroids, popularly known by its shortened term "steroids." are medications that contain man-made versions of the hormone cortisol which are commonly prescribed as treatment to autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, and relief to inflammation, according to medical journals.

After having conducted a decade’s worth of national survey, study authors at Cleveland Clinic Foundation reportedly revealed how a substantial number of people in the United States, especially ageing men and postmenopausal women, may have been rendered even more susceptible to developing osteoporosis because of taking steroids in greater amounts on a long-term basis.

Notwithstanding the added risk of side effects from certain bisphosphonates such as Fosamax, the research team puts emphasis on the dire need to impede accelerated loss of bone mass through anti-bone loss medications in steroid users as means of possibly reducing their risk of debilitating fractures from steroid-induced osteoporosis.

Read More: Using Fosamax Might Be Better Than Nothing for Those on Steroids

Study Highlights the Importance of Treating Bone Loss from Steroids

fosamax arthritis
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